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February 1, 2020

Why learning in a Searsol after school centre is more beneficial for a child with learning differences than learning how to touch type at home.








It is more beneficial for your child to learn how to touch type at Searsol’s after school typing centres than at home for the following reasons:FirstSessionFreeBullet

A nationwide network of after school typing centres
Searsol offers a nationwide network of after school typing centre. We cover all the major cities in Ireland and are currently expanding our network of centres.
Each centre provides the same course and ensures high-quality training, delivery and success on after school typing courses.

Children and young people

Training is targeted at children and young people in order to help them develop typing skills – ensuring that the next generation learns correct typing skills during this technological age in which typing is a key skill. The training is done in a group situation but it is self-paced so each child learns how to type at a level that is happy with.

Dyslexia and dyspraxia

Children with dyslexia and dyspraxia are specifically catered to at Searsol in order to equip them with valuable touch-type skills as they progress through education. While writing and holding a pen can be difficult for students with dyslexia and dyspraxia, touch typing is a skill most young people can readily master. Typed homework and assignments ensure that students’ work can be properly assessed and graded as there is no issue around legibility – as is often the case with handwritten work.

After school training

Searsol after school touch typing courses takes place on weekdays after school or at the weekend, making it convenient for children to attend and for parents to arrange pick-up. Classes are for one hour each week with the course schedule arranged to synchronise with normal school terms.

Unique programme

Searsol pioneered its own unique touch-type programme that takes learners from beginner to advanced level through a series of organised lessons. Individual students are given their own private log-in details so that at each session they can record their progress and pick up from where they last left off.

No homework required

There is a natural progression as students move through the lessons following the Typewiz programme. All practice can take place during the course so there is no need to do additional work at home. On completion of the course, the student will be able to touch type proficiently which will enable them to use their new skill to deliver course work going forward.

Learn at your own pace

There is no onus on students to finish the course within a fixed time. Searsol runs parallel to school course terms one after the other so that students can continue practising and learning at their own pace until they complete the course. Students do not compete against each other. The goal is simply to complete the lessons in their own time.

Progress report

In addition to the week-to-week progress reports recorded on the system for each student, Searsol tutors also personally review student progress during each lesson, guiding and encouraging students as they learn and helping them overcome any challenges.

After school typing centres

Searsol centres offer free introductory first session trials so parents can see first-hand how the course works and children can enjoy a free trial assessment to get a feel for the programme. Parents are advised to book trial places in advance at their nearest course centre.

Established provider with a proven record

Searsol has been successfully running its touch-type service since 2008 teaching children all over Ireland how to touch type. The service offers qualified garda-vetted tutors experienced in teaching children how to touch type. Make sure your child is not left behind by engaging with Searsol now and booking a place on the course.


See testimonials on our website attesting to how Searsol is helping children develop concentration skills and grow confidence through learning how to touch-type.

Our course centres are now nationwide, click the image below to get your free first session trial!! FirstSessionFreeBullet



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