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What computer skills should your child learn over the Summer months of 2016?
April 6, 2016

What computer skills should your child learn over the Summer months of 2016?

Computer skills

With the increasing array of computer options available to children – PC, laptop, tablet and smartphones. Children are been exposed to the wonders of technology at an increasing rate and at an earlier age. What computer skills should a child be learning over the summer months of 2016 to stay ahead of the learning curve?

Touch Typing

To be able to touch type with speeds of up to 40 word per minute can give you child a brilliant life skill no matter what device they will use in the future. Touch typing is one of these skills that may not be considered vital to a student. But as they work with computers for the rest of their lives, to be able to touch type correctly and with speed can save them time.


Email is still the biggest channel of communication for everyone, even greater than social media. Students should be learning the basics of email such as how to create, reply, forward, and attachments. Email is still vital for students to learn and operate in today’s modern society because businesses still engage most of their communication via email.


All children should be introduced to the concept of coding.  The logic that they learn from coding can be applied in various situations of life such as mathematics, computers, economics, and finance. By learning how to code, a child improves the skill range and helps them improve their job prospects in later life.

Cloud Computing

We are only beginning to understand the capabilities of cloud computing. Cloud computing is defined as deploying groups of remote servers and software networks that allow centralized data storage and online access to computer services or resources.

In essence, we no longer need to stored out computer files (documents, music, pictures etc) on local devices hard drive but can be accessed from centralised storage area, the “cloud”. We can use multiple devices to access the documents and can update these where ever we have an internet connection and device. This is a major change we have worked with computers and it will lead to great efficiency for everyone.


Web-based application v’s computer applications

Traditionally students used a Pc or laptop as their main computing device. They installed applications and used them to update their work. But with the development of the internet and cloud computing. The move is now to use the internet as the go-to option to update documents or use applications. Where traditionally students would have used Microsoft Office for created documents, spreadsheets etc. Now the move is to use online resources instead such as Google Drive or Microsoft Office 365. Students are now arranging their lives online so the skills they need to learn is using web-based application as opposed to computer applications.


These are computer skills that will help your child to stay ahead of the learning curve with computers. If you are interested in helping to develop your child’s skills, why not book them into one of the computer camps over Summer 2016. More details of Searsol’s Computer camps are available by clicking on the following link.


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