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Top tips: how to make home learning easier as a Parent to your child
March 19, 2020

Top tips: how to make home learning easier as a Parent to your child

How to make learning easier for your child at home.


When a Parent becomes the Teacher at home, there is a barrier that needs to be breached for it to work. What can happen is the child can become resistant to learning when their Parent is the Teacher. Due to the coronavirus outbreak, all schools are closed in different parts of the world and children have to do their work at home under the supervision of the Parent. While this seems to be a great opportunity to provide a helping hand with your child’s educational development it can lead to difficulties.


Children really learn better when they are taught by someone else in a classroom setting. They are more open to another voice telling them what to do and they learn better in the classroom environment where they are watching other children work. They become self-motivated and are eager to impress the Teacher. At home none of these things is present and it can lead the student to become less motivated and struggle with the home learning experience. As a short-term solution if there is proper structure and a timetable it can work. But over the long term, the classroom environment is a better form of learning.


Tips to make home learning easier:

  1. Make sure your child gets sufficient sleep.
  2. Ensure that they are properly hydrated and have a well-balanced diet.
  3. Provide a timetable where your child has a good understanding of what they are supposed to be doing on a daily basis.
  4. When studying or doing their homework, remove all devices such as smartphones away from your child as they will become distracted.
  5. Encourage your child and praise any work they have done.
  6. Let your child work through their work and then correct it after
  7. Ensure that your child takes breaks and is hydrated.
  8. Be realistic with what work your child can do on a daily basis. This is especially important if your child has a learning difference. 
  9. Encourage your child to do some exercise, even ten minutes of exercise can help them to stay fresh and get through their work.
  10. Try to not have arguments with your child if they make a mistake. Positive and understanding work best.
  11. Review their work and correct any mistakes.


A Parent should provide a positive and engaging environment that can help their child learn at the best of their ability. Encouraging your child with positivity can only not only help them to stay motivated but will provide a better letter experience for your child and yourself.

Your child may learn best in a classroom environment but home study can be a good alternative over a short term crisis.


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