January 15, 2018
New Saturday morning after school typing course in Dundrum, Co. Dublin
Searsol is offering a new additional Saturday morning typing class in our Dundrum centre. The course will take place in St Tiernan Community College. We will operate two classes which will start on Saturday 3rd of February at 10.30 pm or 11.30 pm. Searsol is currently offering a free introductory first session trial of Searsol’s after school typing courses for any child who is eight years old or older that may be interested in trying out our typing course.
Our typing course is specifically designed to develop typing skills for children. Searsol has provided after school typing courses over the last eight years in Ireland and have a high success rate of students that have successfully learnt how to touch type. During the course, the student will learn how to type correctly assisted by a qualified tutor. This course would suit children that have learning differences like Dyslexia or Dyspraxia but also suitable for any child that wants to learn how to touch type and have gained an exemption to use a laptop for exams. To book your free trial place you can contact Searsol on 01-6303384 or book a free trial at https://searsol.com/course-booking-first-session-free/